Restaurants and commercials kitchens often have a high turnover rate of employees and making new employee hires and training is a constant chore for managers.
A few tips and basics can help to maximize retention and reduce turnover, which in the end reduces cost and improves productivity for the business as a whole.
When you have a job opening, it’s always best to spread wide the notice for hiring. Using a recruitment agency can help to maximize and reach the largest candidate pools and help you find the ideal next hire along with not sucking up all your time searching for top candidates.
Once there are candidates for screening, there’s a few key factors we know are best to look for – and here’s why!
Relevant Job Experience. The more time a candidate has had a similar experience, the less time they’ll take to train for superior work habits. However, be sure and catch if their job changes are frequent and the root as to why all the changes i.e. bad attitude, laziness, etc.
Salary Expectations. Candidates who have reasonable expectations for compensation show experience and knowledge about the job/ industry. When candidates expect much higher pay and have to take a job that doesn’t meet their needs, the working relationship instantly begins under pressure and frustrations.
References. There’s nothing more telling about a possible employee than what formers employers or co-workers think. Get in touch and ask questions that matter and will give good insight into the candidates past.
Set a positive example. All else goes wasted if during the hiring and retention process if you yourself as a manager no not set a positive example. Create the work environment that you would want to work in – high values, mutual support and respect, and a place that values constructive criticism. A strong and positive work environment will reduce employee turnover and improve customer service.