Hiring today looks different than it did 5 years ago, and will look different for the next 5 years and beyond. In today’s world social media is taking over the way the population as a whole from infancy to elders communicate and take care of life’s business. Likewise, the recruiting and hiring process has changed to meet the needs of an ever-changing digital age.
Here’s a few ways we’ve seen the industry change.
Social media is used as a new source for job postings and info. Companies are looking for candidates to hire and have forgone the former ways of advertising via newspapers and ads, but instead are posting up 140 character tweets letting the world know, “Help Wanted”. There’s social media accounts dedicated to solely posting job openings for companies – leading to connecting candidates with the hottest jobs.
The application process has altered from pen and paper to complete digital uploads and questionnaires. Many companies today also require personality test among other studies before an initial interview is even conducted. Technology allows employers to get to know a virtual version of each candidate upfront.
After applicants are selected for interviews, employers have also begun hosting online video interviews, rather than a standard live interview. This keeps employers time spent down to the bare essentials or candidates introducing themselves and answering a few short questions to rule out all unqualified candidates.
Here’s just a few ways we’ve seen hiring change, what ways have your experienced the impact of the digital world in hiring?