It is tough to admit, but in reality, team members hired day one are not always the right people to grow your business to the next level. Sometimes these people are not ideal fits for “fast growth culture” writes Ilan Mochari for Inc.com. Other times the vision of a company is redefined or the needs shift. Hiring for cultural fit is common practice, firing is necessary as well. Mochari offers 3 great tips for firing an employee who is not a cultural fit:
Tip 1: Systemize the culture throughout your organization.
Mochari points out in the beginning of his article that if cultural mismatch is the main reason for firing, you must have quantifiable reasons for the mismatch. Vague answers such as ‘This isn’t a good fit’ or ‘This is not going to work out” are not strong. If you “codify cultural fit into your human resources processes” you will have something tangible; you will have clarified what it means to be a fit for the company. In the long run, this will give you firm ground to stand on if you have to let someone go.
Tip 2: Draw attention to the long-term success of the employee.
Firing a hard working employee is not ideal. But, if you emphasize that they will be happier elsewhere, it will make the blow more bearable. Often times the employee will be grateful for their termination as they will realize they can be more successful, and ultimately happy in a different environment.
Tip 3: Help the employee search for a better job.
After dismissing and employee, ignite an enthusiasm to search for a better job by helping them find a better position. Though it may sound odd, it is a common practice. Mochari quotes a recent poll by SmartBlog which found, “a whopping 67.5 percent of business leaders help by making introductions or offering guidance”. In return, you may see long-term effects of improved retention practices as current and former employees may be less hesitant to speak out about dissatisfactions.