When will the labor shortage end? This is the question on everyone’s mind recently. There is a sense of urgency when it comes to hiring right now due to business growth demands. But, as an employer, it is nearly impossible to find workers. Monster.com data found that about one in four (26%) employers hiring are currently having trouble filling roles. You are not alone in your struggle. People can’t or won’t go back to work for a variety of reasons. Health and safety seem to be one of the top factors impacting the hiring processes. There are also many working parents who have chosen to put their career on hold to stay at home and take care of their children. And frankly unemployment benefits are quite attractive. Candidates are pickier than ever about the job they want. Here are 4 practical ways you can widen your talent pool and attract more candidates right now.
1. Increase Pay
“If you build it, they will come.” This misquoted line is spoken by Ray, played by Kevin Costner, in the film Field of Dreams. While wandering in a corn field, Ray hears a strange whisper: “If you build it, he will come.” Build what? In our case, an attractive salary. Wages are already building as the reality of the worker shortage sets in. And when it comes to jobs, it’s no secret that money talks. Candidates often rank salary as the ultimate deciding factor when considering a job change; even a change from collecting unemployment to collecting a paycheck. Offering a competitive salary could put you on a candidate’s radar.
2. Opportunities for Advancement
Gen-Z is the youngest generation hitting the job market. They are coming out of college eager, inspired, and searching for more than a dead-end job. Vital to this generation is a career path. According to a Monster survey, 78% of new grads want to get a promotion in the first year, while 86% of non-college grads say the same. Marketing a job as one with training and growth potential is imperative.
3. Cross-train Current Employees
Take this opportunity to invest in your company through learning and development programs for your employees. The skills gap is widening and it presents a challenge for hiring managers. Finding qualified candidates with the skills to get the job done is becoming more difficult as workers pursuing trades is rapidly shrinking. Cross-training your employees is an excellent way to maintain productivity while mitigating risk. The answer to your labor shortage may already be on your payroll! Large companies such as Walmart have already started to cross-train employees as a way to create more flexibility in the workforce and allow for more predictable schedules. This might be a long-term solution to a growing problem.
4. Use Your Resources
It has never been more important to get the qualified candidates you need quickly and on budget. There are so many resources at your fingertips; employment websites, social media, and staffing companies/recruitment agencies. After thirty years in the business, Pacific Coast Hospitality absolutely knows the hospitality industry — from boardroom to break room. We’ve worked at all levels of the restaurant industry. We speak the language. We know the people. We know where the openings are. We know how to find good people who care. The restaurant business is about people and relationships. Lasting relationships with friends, clients and job seekers. That makes us a little different from “hard sell” recruiters. We take pride and real joy in building long term relationships that make life and work a real pleasure. Reach out with questions or to start a conversation…steve@pacificcoasthospitality.com